Big Rent Hikes Coming—Again; By June 11 Sign Our Petition to the RGB and the Mayor

Big Rent Hikes Coming—Again; By June 11 Sign Our Petition to the RGB and the Mayor

The mayor’s Rent Guidelines Board is proposing rent increases for leases renewing as of October 1, 2024—and they’re scary:

2% – 4.5% for a 1-year lease

4% – 6.5% for a 2-year lease

This is the third year in a row of the highest increases since 2013. The final vote comes on June 17.

Can you really afford to pay so much more?
Don’t sit back—fight back!

Sign our petition (STPCV residents only) to tell Mayor Adams and the RGB: landlords are making a healthy profit, but tenants are being crushed. If you signed at the flea market, thank you! You don’t have to sign again.

Tell your story to the RGB by Tuesday, June 11—or just show up to support us

Testify live at the Manhattan public hearing on Tuesday, June 11—you get 2 minutes to tell how these exorbitant increases will affect you. You can also testify for others.
Location: NY Society for Ethical Culture, 2 West 64th St. Register now or at the meeting, 5–8 p.m.
Even if you don’t want to speak, show up to support TA board members who will be testifying.

Hate public speaking?

  • Leave a voice message (2 minutes) at (929) 256-5472.
  • Write your message:

When you begin, state your name clearly. Please note that any submitted testimony (video, audio, or written) may be accessible to the public.

Tell your story to Mayor Eric Adams (he appoints the RGB)

  • Email the mayor 
  • Voice message at (212) 788-3000
  • Mail him at Mayor Eric Adams, City Hall, New York, NY 10007
  • Tweet at him at @NYCMayor

Don’t know what to say? Make it brief, make it personal—the more personal the better. Check out our suggestions.

Manhattan tenants didn't get to testify in person last year. The RGB needs to see us and hear from us.