Video Intercom MCI for 10 PCV Buildings

Video Intercom MCI for 10 PCV Buildings

The TA is going to fight this blow to your budget, so please follow the instructions below. If you’re not yet a member, please join now.

Within 30 days of the mailing date on the MCI notice, here is what we need you to do by filling out page 3 of the MCI notice—the Tenant Response form:

1. Print your name where indicated on top.

2. In the open space, write the following:

I request a 60-day extension of time to respond to the MCI application dated [fill in mailing date from top right corner]. I understand that DHCR is not always able to provide a written response to an extension request. Therefore, unless I hear otherwise, I will assume that this request has been granted.

Thank you for your courtesies in this matter.

3. Sign and date the form on the bottom.

4. Make 2 copies of the form. Keep one copy for your records. Send the other copy to the TA by mail (Video intercom MCI, P.O. Box 1202, NYC 10009-1202) or by placing it in one of our drop boxes (Community Center, Oval Concierge, or Zeichner’s Wines & Liquors).

5. Mail the original of just the response form to the MCI Unit at the address on the top of the form. Keep the original of the MCI notice (pages 1 and 2) for your records.

6. Spread the word to your affected neighbors who are longtime tenants (see list of buildings below).

REMINDER: TA member dues pay for our attorney. If you are not already a member, won’t you participate and help defray the expense by joining now? You can donate securely online at

WHAT ELSE WE NEED: If you kept copies of management’s handouts from the 2001/02 intercom installation, please send us a copy. If you have any other documentation, such as management’s wall post announcing the new system or a work ticket from the 2014 installation, we will add that to the file.

AFFECTED BUILDINGS: 420 E 23, 440 E 23, 350 First, 360 First, 370 First, 390 First, 2 PCR, 3 PCR, 431 E 20, 441 E 20.

Once you’ve filled out and returned the Tenant Response form, the TA and its attorney will take over, but we also need a copy of your MCI notice (pages 1 & 2). You may place a copy (not the original—save that for your records) in one of our drop boxes or mail it to us (see item 4 above).

If you’ve received a notice, tell us about it by using our short MCI docket tracker found here.