2017 Board of Directors Election
2017 Board of Directors Election
The Annual Meeting of the Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association, Inc., will be held on Wednesday, May 31, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, 423 East 23rd Street. At that time, members will vote to fill three seats on the TA Board of Directors. All members who are current in their dues as of May 22, 2017, the record date set for the meeting, are entitled to vote.
The Board of Directors, on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, has endorsed the following persons to be elected to those seats:
Sherryl Kirschenbaum, who raised her two children in Stuyvesant Town, is now retired as a registered nurse at Beth Israel Medical Center. A longtime volunteer and building leader with the Tenants Association, she trains and oversees the activities of the volunteers who respond to resident inquiries to the TA’s Message Center, keeping them abreast of the up-to-date information they need in responding to resident queries and complaints. Sherry became a board member in 2013.
Judith Preble Miller has lived in Stuyvesant Town since 1975. A practicing attorney and supervisor for the Legal Aid Society’s Criminal Practice for nearly 40 years, she serves on the TA’s Legal Committee and as the Board Chair of the STPCV Tenants’ Association Foundation, Inc. Judy joined the Board in 2010.
Sandro Sherrod, a technology director at NYU Medical Center, has been a resident of Stuyvesant Town for 25 years. A past chair of Community Board 6 and past president of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club, he serves on the Board’s Communications and Outreach Committees. Sandro was elected to the Board in 2013.
Other TA members interested in being elected to the Board were provided the opportunity to be nominated by submitting a petition signed by 30 current members of the Tenants Association no later than April 11, 2017. Because no such petitions were submitted, only the three persons endorsed by the Board have been nominated. All three are incumbents on the Board.
Since the election is uncontested this year, in an effort to minimize expenses, no proxies or ballots will be distributed. The election will be conducted at the Annual Meeting.
The Nominating Committee consists of the following members of the Tenants Association: Kevin J. Farrelly, Soni Fink, Gary Ireland, Keith Powers, and Patricia Sallin.
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