4 Candidates Endorsed for the Board; Other TA Members May Petition

4 Candidates Endorsed for the Board; Other TA Members May Petition

The Board of Directors of the STPCV Tenants Association endorses four candidates for positions on the board as recommended by the Nominating Committee. The election date is May 25, 2021.

Candidates endorsed by the board include:

Nicholas Boston
Nick is a proud New Yorker since 1994 and Stuy Town resident since 2017. He is a tenured professor of media studies at Lehman College of the City University of New York (CUNY). A graduate of Columbia and Cambridge Universities, he is a three-time elected senator of the University Faculty Senate, which represents all 26 colleges and graduate schools of CUNY. A former reporter for the New York Observer, he is a frequent commentator on television, radio, and digital platforms, including NBC Channel 4 and WNYC. He is a member of several professional organizations such as the American Sociological Association and the National Association of Black Journalists.

Sherryl Kirschenbaum (incumbent)
Sherry raised her two children in Stuyvesant Town and is a retired registered nurse. She was elected to the TA board as a director in 2013. She continues as manager of the TA’s Message Center, overseeing the phone volunteers who respond to inquiries from residents. She is the Tenants Association’s liaison to the Building Leader network and contact for all new volunteers who reach out to the TA. She is also a member of the Maintenance and Quality of Life Committee, which meets with management monthly, and she represents STPCV on the Mount Sinai Beth Israel Community Advisory Board.

Judith Preble Miller (incumbent)
Judith has lived in Stuyvesant Town since 1975. A retired attorney and supervisor for the Legal Aid Society’s Criminal Practice, she has experience dealing with people of varying viewpoints. She is a two-term past President of the Gramercy Stuyvesant Independent Democrats. Judy wishes to continue to work actively to preserve affordable housing and a safe environment in New York City. She took part in Housing Justice for All bus trips to Albany and in other rallies to influence legislators to enact the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019.

Sandro Sherrod (incumbent)
Sandro is the director of Collaborative Strategy and Audiovisual Engineering for the NYU Langone Health System, responsible for design, operations, and implementation of integrated technology equipment. A past chair of Manhattan Community Board Six, he currently serves as first vice chair and is past chair of the Land Use and Waterfront Committee. Sandro also served as president of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club, on the board of the Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association, and as an officer of the 13th Precinct Community Council. An active member of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary, he serves in leadership roles, including as a national division chief for Public Affairs.



The petitioning period to be a candidate for the board is now beginning for those who did not apply during the interview period. Interested candidates who are residents and current members of the TA may seek a place on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by a minimum of thirty (30) members of the TA who are current in their dues. No more than one candidate’s name may be included on any one petition.

Note: Due to the pandemic, this year we are not requiring actual signatures on the petition. Instead, candidates should contact residents and neighbors who are current TA members and ask to list them as signatories. Candidates submitting the petition will be attesting that they have permission to list the signatories.

Petitions must include printed name, address, apartment number, and email address or phone number. The Nominating Committee will judge the validity of all petitions. Petitioning ends on March 20, 2021.

The petition form is available for download on the Tenants Association website. In addition to the petition, candidates must submit a document that includes:

  • Their name, address (including apartment number), and best contact telephone and email;
  • A statement that they are 18 years of age or older; and
  • A summary of their qualifications in 100 words or less.
  • A bio or résumé no longer than two pages briefly stating their interest in joining the board with a summary of experience.

Petitions and accompanying documentation should either be—

  • mailed to Nominating Committee, ST/PCV Tenants Association, P.O. Box 1202, New York, NY 10009-1202 and received at the post office no later than March 20, 2021; OR
  • sent in PDF form via email to [email protected] no later than 5:00 p.m., March 20, 2021.

 Candidates should:

  • be prepared to spend at least 20 hours each month on TA business
  • commit to a monthly board meeting and other phone, remote video, or in-person TA meetings as needed
  • be prepared to participate in one or more TA committees


Nominating Committee: Denise Favorule, Michael Lang, Adam Liggio, Edmund Dunn, and Steven Pollock.


Posted 3/3/21