Procedure to File Petitions for Election to the STPCV TA Board of Directors
Procedure to File Petitions for Election to the STPCV TA Board of Directors
The Annual Meeting of the Stuyvesant Town Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association, Inc. will be held on May 31, 2017. At that time, members will vote to fill three seats on the TA Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors, upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee, has endorsed the following persons to be elected to those seats:
- Sherry Kirschenbaum
- Judith Preble Miller
- Sandro Sherrod
Other TA members interested in being elected to the Board may seek a position on the ballot by submitting a petition (link here) signed by a minimum of thirty (30) members of the TA current in their dues when they sign the petition. No more than one candidate’s name may be included on any one petition. Petitions must include the signature, printed name, address and apartment number, and telephone number of each member signing the petition. In addition each candidate must submit a statement indicating the following: 1) the candidate’s name, address (including apartment number), telephone number and email address; 2) a statement that the candidate is 18 years of age or older; and 3) a summary of the candidate’s qualifications (no more than 100 words). The Nominating Committee will judge the validity of all petitions.
Petitions and statements should be emailed in pdf format to: [email protected] no later than April 17, 2017.
Candidates should retain their original petitions in the event they need to be examined.
Nominating Committee: Kevin J. Farrelly, Soni Fink, Patricia Sallin, Keith Powers and Gary Ireland
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