RGB Chair Declines to Hear from Manhattan Tenants in Person
RGB Chair Declines to Hear from Manhattan Tenants in Person
Despite a letter from Council Member Keith Powers, Rent Guidelines Board Chair Nestor Davidson refused to hold an in-person hearing in Manhattan about the onerous rent hikes proposed this year. The letter was signed by 10 other Manhattan City Council members (including the chair of the Committee on Housing and Buildings) and the Manhattan borough president. The City Council letter lays out compelling reasons for an in-person Manhattan hearing, including that the borough has the most rent-stabilized tenants in the city. In his response, Chair Davidson offers to devote the beginning of the June 13 virtual hearing to Manhattan tenants.
The importance of tenants testifying to the RGB—especially in a year with such high proposed increases—cannot be overstated. The RGB provides options: phone message, online message, video, and others. Before you make the call or send your email, read our tips.
The deadline to submit testimony is June 15.
Posted 6/3/23
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