Nominations for Election to the Board of the Stuyvesant Town - Peter Cooper Village Tenants Assn.
Nominations for Election to the Board of the Stuyvesant Town - Peter Cooper Village Tenants Assn.
The Nominating Committee of the Stuyvesant Town - Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association (the “TA”) is soliciting candidates for election to the Association’s Board of Directors. Six (6) Director positions are available. The election will take place May 14, 2016.
February 27, 2016 Deadline for submission of applications for Director
March 25 – April 9 Petitioning period
April 4, 2016 Record Date (deadline to be current in dues)
Election Date May 14, 2016
To vote, members must be current in their dues as of the April 4 Record Date.
Requirements for Director
- A resident of Stuyvesant Town – Peter Cooper Village;
18 years of age or older, and proficient in Microsoft Office 2010;
Current in Tenants Association dues as of the April 4 Record Date.
In addition, candidates—
- Should be prepared to spend 20 to 50 hours or more each month on TA business;
Commit to a monthly board meeting, and other phone or in-person TA meetings as needed.
How do I get on the ballot? There are two (2) alternative methods:
1. Application Process: The TA Board will endorse six (6) candidates. To be considered, interested TA Members must submit to the Nominating Committee by February 27 a résumé or biography—maximum of two pages—stating your qualifications to serve as a director, including past community activities, relevant professional or work experience, and why you are interested in serving on the Board. Include your best contact phone number and email address and a brief summary of your qualifications (100 words or less) for the ballot. Applications should be submitted via email to [email protected]. The Board will announce its endorsed candidates on March 25, 2016, via website, TA Facebook posting, and eblast, and the following week in Town & Village.
2. Petitioning Process: Interested candidates who are not endorsed by the Board may nevertheless seek a place on the ballot by submitting a petition signed by a minimum of forty-five (45) members of the TA who are current in their dues as of the April 4 Record Date. No more than one candidate’s name may be included on any one petition. Petitions must include signature, printed name, address, and apartment number. The Nominating Committee will judge the validity of all petitions. Petitioning will begin on Friday, March 25, and end on Saturday, April 9.
Petition forms will be available on the Tenants Association website ( In addition to your petition, you must submit a document that includes:
- Your name, address (including apartment number), telephone, and email
- A statement you are 18 years of age or older; and
- A summary of your qualifications in 100 words or less.
On Thursday, April 7, TA representatives will be available at the Community Center, 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m., to verify the membership status of petition signers. Petitions and accompanying documentation should either be—
- mailed to Nominating Committee, ST/PCV Tenants Association, P.O. Box 1202, New York, NY 10009 and received at the post office no later than Saturday, April 9;
- dropped in our drop box at Oval Services no later than 3:00 p.m., Saturday, April 9; or
hand-delivered at the Community Center, 449 East 14th Street, First Avenue Loop, 1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m., Saturday, April 9.
The Nominating Committee of the Board of the STPCV Tenants Association: Alvin D. Doyle, Chair; Edmund Dunn; Judith Preble Miller; Gene Santoro; Susan Steinberg
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