TA Litigation Policy
The Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village Tenants Association, Inc. (“STPCV TA”) is a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Per Internal Revenue Code and IRS guidelines, the STPCV TA must operate exclusively for the promotion of social welfare, including the common good and general welfare of the tenants of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village. The STPCV TA’s principal feature is lack of private benefit or profit. The STPCV TA’s activities must promote the legal rights of all tenants in a particular community, not individual members.
Accordingly, per Internal Revenue Code and IRS Guidelines, the STPCV TA shall refer individuals seeking private legal redress to organizations that can assist them with their needs. Any legal action or advocacy on behalf of the STPCV TA is limited to class actions and other matters pertaining to building or community-wide claims and concerns, including claims before New York State Homes and Community Renewal and any housing-related agencies, such as the City of New York's Departments of Buildings, Fire Health, and Housing Preservation and Development.
Posted 6/26/22