The Nation's Largest Tenants Association
We are a 100% volunteer-run organization, with a dedicated Board of Directors and a statewide footprint, and we take pride in being the strongest and best-organized tenants association in New York City.
Message Center 1 (866) 290-9036 (online, phone, and fax)
P.O. Box 1202, New York, NY 10009-1202
TA drop boxes: at the Community Center and Zeichner's Wines & Liquor
MCIs | Service Complaints | Lease Renewal | Succession Rights | Sublets (DHCR Fact Sheet #7) | TA Litigation Policy | Elected Officials | Helpful Links | Tenants' Rights Updated (NYS Attorney General) | ABCs of Housing (NYC Dept. of Housing Preservation & Development) | Rent Laws Expire 2019 | Key Card Decision 2006 and TA Notice to Tenants
Public Member Pledge Form: authorize the TA's attorney to represent you in complex-wide claims and concerns.
Leases starting or renewing on October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023
1-year lease: 3.25%
2-year lease: 5%
OUCH! These are the highest increases in years
TA statement on the 2022–2023 rent increases
Invited testimony of Tim Collins 4/26/22
On January 4, 2023, Justice Robert Reed handed down a decision in our favor.
TA LAWSUIT TO KEEP ALL STPCV APARTMENTS RENT STABILIZED: NY State Supreme Court Filing for Declaratory Judgment (March 2020)
On June 16, 2022, TA attorney Tim Collins argued in State Supreme Court that all our apartments must remain protected by rent stabilization under the 2019 state housing law (HSTPA). Blackstone’s position is that they should be allowed to turn more than 4,000 apartments here—those with the highest rents—into free-market units. Presenting arguments supporting us was the Deputy Solicitor General of the Office of the New York State Attorney General.
FAQ: Court filing for Roberts tenants and rent stabilization
Press conference 3/5/20: Prepared statements of Susan Steinberg and Steven Newmark and press release
Judge offers recusal; delay in TA lawsuit to keep all apartments protected by rent stabilization (3/26/21)
Second judge recuses himself; new judge assigned to our case (7/21/21)
Lottery Agreement/Regulatory Agreement between Blackstone and NYC
SUMMARY OF STATE HOUSING LAW: Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019
Updated rent regulation fact sheets (DHCR)
Landlord challenge to rent stabilization law: amicus brief in support of defendants
Tenants' Rights (NYS Attorney General)
News Releases: Assembly Passes Historic Affordable Housing Protections (June 14, 2019); Senate Majority Passes Strongest Tenant Protections in State History (June 14, 2019)
Mayor's Office to Protect Tenants
MAY 2021: TA LAWSUIT CHALLENGES COSTS FOR MCI RENT INCREASES; all NYS rent-regulated tenants affected
FUTURE MCI COSTS: how high can they go? DHCR hearing of Sept. 9, 2020 (including testimony & letters)
Transcript of the hearing (contains many errors)
DHCR's response: it's not friendly to tenants' pocketbooks
DHCR releases even higher costs: Update to Operational Bulletin 2021-1
- Summary of issues and objections
- Electeds' letter to Rick Hayduk (10/9/20)
- TA PowerPoint presentation to Community Board 6 (1/5/21)
- Video of community board presentation (1/5/21)
- Electeds' letter to Dept. of Buildings (1/19/21)
- Electeds meet with NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (2/11/21)
- Dept. of Buildings commissioner's response to electeds' letter (4/20/21)
- Electeds' letter to commissioner of NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (4/30/21)
- Electeds' 2nd letter to Dept. of Buildings (6/16/21)
- Electeds' 3rd letter to Dept. of Buildings (11/4/21)
- The postcards we sent to the governor and commissioners
- IMPORTANT! TA letter and expert's report on legality of zoning and accessory use (11/23/21)
- TA PowerPoint presentation to Rep. Carolyn Maloney's Zoom meeting with electeds, governor's staff, and climate activists (1/4/22)
- Electeds' 2nd letter to commissioner of NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (2/18/22)
- Electeds' letter to Mayor Eric Adams & others (4/11/22)
- TA statement on the cancellation of the CHP plants
- Council Member Keith Powers's media release on the CHP cancellation
Acts of hate are never acceptable: we issued this statement in July 2020. Now, sadly, in March 2021 we find it necessary to repeat what shouldn’t have to be said even once: all acts of hate are unacceptable—inside and outside our community.
Bulletin: August 2018
Bulletin: May 2017
Bulletin: July 2016
Note: some information may be out of date.
East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR)—plan to protect us from the next superstorm (March 26, 2019, presentation to CB6 Land Use Committee 4/22/19).
Presentation of May 28, 2019.
Public Design Commission final review, December 16, 2019.
Presentation of November 23, 2020.
Construction update of March 31, 2021.
Con Ed Manufactured Gas Plants Sites FAQ
Letter to DHCR from State Senator Brad Hoylman and City Council Member Keith Powers
Five Stuy Cafe liquor license: Letter from Council Member Keith Powers to Community Board 6
Heat Season: Oct. 1–May 31. There is no outside temperature requirement at night.
Press Conference on Sale of ST-PCV to Blackstone
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